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18JAV Profiled in Charitable Giving Guide

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Each year, NH Business Review publishes a Charitable Giving Guide of Regional Philanthropic Opportunities. Non-profit organizations listed within the guide share their mission statement, goals, and giving opportunities. This year, The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester is profiled with the 2024 Giving Guide on page 65.

The first page of the publication includes a letter from NH Business Review Editor, Mike Cote where he states, ” The nonprofits profiled on these pages provide healthcare, housing, mentoring, and other essential services to children, families, and seniors. Whatever their mission, they all make New Hampshire a better place to live.” He added We hope they inspire you to lend a hand through financial support, in-kind services, or volunteer work. While the nonprofits will surely be grateful, you’ll find the greater gift is in the giving.”

New Hampshire Charitable Foundation President and CEO, Dick Ober also penned a letter for the publication in which he stated, “New Hampshire’s nonprofit sector plays an oversized role in making New Hampshire a place where everyone can thrive. Their work makes New Hampshire community healthier, more connected and more prosperous.” He added, “We ask nonprofits to do consistent and essential work that benefits all of us. They need our support in return. Please give generously to help make this community we love a community where every person can thrive.”

Please review the giving guide, and considering supporting community mental health services for both children and adults, which are provided at The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester. Check out our digital profile at:


As of July 1, 2024, the Community Support Services (CSS) division of 18JAV will transition to a new Open Access model for scheduling appointments
Cornell achieves a lengthy and distinguished career with The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester
The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester (18JAV) is happy to announce our continued partnership with The Manchester School District in implementing Project Aware

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